Tuesday, December 7, 2010


we've been noticing a lot lately that oliver is VERY interested in food - our food! he watches very carefully every bite we take. that, in combination with him suddenly not sleeping through the night anymore, lead us to deciding it was time to start him on cereal. we gave him his first bite on emme's birthday! he didn't miss a drop. from the very first bite he knew just what to do, he even got mad when we weren't fast enough! jamie is starting to worry he's a little TOO obsessed with food!

this is him on thanksgiving day watching very carefully while jamie ate his pie:

i have been trying for WEEKS now to put the video of him eating cereal for the first time on here, and it won't let me. i guess i will just have to put these pictures:

he is no longer using the bouncy seat to eat. we thought it might be easier for him starting out, but no no! he is a pro! the next day he was sitting in his high chair eating like a big kid.

i know this is blurry but it shows how happy he was with himself when he finished.

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