Monday, March 15, 2010

rainy weekend

much to sophia's dismay, this was (and still is) a very rainy weekend. which meant we could do nothing except lounge around the apartment and put together the baby furniture. once again, all the pictures are of jamie, but i really did help! i put most of the dresser together by myself on friday while jamie was at work.
on sunday we took a mini road trip to long island in search of a super target. we found one - kind of. it was a really large target and it had produce, but i don't think it was a super target. (and it didn't say that on the sign) but we enjoyed driving around and seeing new places, even in the rain.
today we had our ultra sound! it went really well, and we had fun seeing the baby. we didn't find out what we are having (although we both think it's a boy) but we did have the techician write it on a card. we MIGHT decide to look, we aren't sure.
OH! and my mom comes today for a visit. we are very excited! the other good news is that the rain is supposed to stop tomorrow. cross your fingers for good weather.

completed dresser/changing table

completed crib

with bedding

just thought i'd add this picture that we took this weekend because i really feel like i popped out over saturday night!

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